Why teach Shakespeare?
Watch your students become Experts

One important reason to teach Shakespeare is that young children are particularly receptive to learning ‘a new language’. They are less prejudiced and therefore engage with Shakespeare’s stories more readily. At Shakespeare Experts, we edit the original text to suit the level of all students. Teaching Shakespeare through drama, as a tool for teaching, makes difficult texts accessible and fun!
Shakespeare’s language is considered among the first of modern English texts. His stories are funny, tragic, engaging, interesting, have lasted for 450 years – and are still popular. His characters are intriguing and can teach us how to behave or warn us how NOT to behave! Doing his plays or merely watching them, we can make more sense of our modern world…
While Shakespeare’s characters can be virtuous or villainous, the text doesn’t always give us the reason for their behaviour. This gives actors (and students) the freedom to decide what a character’s motives might be, encouraging our creative thinking and learning about moral education through the choices the characters and we make.

Watch your students grow in confidence!.
Someone said: If they can do Shakespeare, what else is then difficult?

Having fun walking the script
Shakespeare’s plays are funny, tragic and have lasted for 450+ years.

Freeze frame (imitating the picture)
Shakespeare’s plays are still popular, his characters intriguing and his plots fascinating.

Status: Greet someone who is more important than you.
Students learn about how the characters in the play relate to one another[Hamlet in above picture]

We use the ‘active approach’ to approach plays and study the plots, characters and their motives.